
I am currently a postdoc researcher in computational biology in the AlgoLab research group at the University of Milano-Bicocca.
I did my PhD study in the Inria Rennes lab’ (FR), at the GenScale team.
My works are about genome assembly and scaffolding. For this purpose, I implement graph algorithms and graph structures, and I formalise these problems thanks to mathematical programming.
I am member of the non-profit organization ALIA for academic freedom and the associate treasurer of the Nicomaque association for the popularisation of doctoral science. I also play the piano (you can find here some improvisations!)
📨 Professional e-mail address <first_name><last_name><at>disroot.org
✨ NEW ✨ Check my activity report for assistant professor french qualification for CNU 27
👤 Work colleagues
👤 PhD Inria main supervisor Rumen Andonov
👤 PhD INRAe main supervisor Jean-François Gibrat
👤 PhD second supervisor Dominique Lavenier
🔗 On the Internet
Mastodon @vepain@sciences.re (to be preferred)
🎹 Piano @ProfesseurChep
You can find my CV below partitioned into several categories.
🎓 Education
2020 - 2023 | Computer science PhD applied to genomics, Inria centre at Rennes
- DNA fragment assembly: graph structures and chloroplast genome scaffolding – Comparative analysis, combinatorial optimisation problem formulation and implementation
2018 – 2020 | Bioinformatics Master’s degree
- University of Rennes
- Master’s degree, with the highest honour
2017 – 2018 | 3rd year bachelor’s degree in computer science
- University of Rennes – ISTIC
- Bachelor’s degree with honours
2015 – 2017 | Preparation for national competitive entrance exams to leading French “grandes écoles”, specialising in mathematics and PHYSICS
- Lycée Dupuy de Lôme, LORIENT
👥 Research project and collaborations
2021 - 2022 | PhD mobility at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany
- ALBI team, welcomed by Gunnar Klau - collaboration with Sven Schrinner
- 2 months
2020 | Master’s degree internship in bioinformatics - Inria centre at Rennes
- Integer linear programming strategy for long reads de novo genome assembly GenScale team, leaders: Dominique Lavenier, Pierre Peterlongo
- 6 months
2019 | Master’s degree internship in bioinformatics Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), NM and Inria centre at Rennes, FR
- Overlap graph partitioning for de novo long read assembly
- 3 months research visit financed by the grant HipcoGen (High-Performance
Combinatorial Optimization for Computational Genomics), associated team Inria-LANL
- (1 month) LANL, Information Science Group CCS-3, leader: Hristo Djidjev
- (2 months) Inria centre at Rennes, GenScale team, leader: Dominique Lavenier
2018 | Bachelor’s degree end internship, bioinformatic team Inria centre at Rennes
- Real chloroplast data and metadata extraction
- GenScale team, leader: Dominique Lavenier
- 2 months
📰 Publications
Legend :
international journal with peer reviewingNC
national conference with peer reviewingAC
conference abstractPP
Epain, V., Andonov, R. Global exact optimisations for chloroplast structural haplotype scaffolding. Algorithms Mol Biol 19, 5 (2024).
V. Epain, R. Andonov, D. Lavenier. Optimal Scaffolding for Chloroplasts’ Inverted Repeats. JOBIM2022, Jul 2022, Rennes, France.
V. Epain. Overlap Graph for Assembling and Scaffolding Algorithms: Paradigm Review and Implementation Proposals. 2022.
⟨hal-03815190v3⟩ [preprint]
R. Andonov, V. Epain, D. Lavenier. Optimal de novo assemblies for chloroplast genomes based on inverted repeats patterns. BiATA 2021 - 4th International conference Bioinformatics: from Algorithms to Applications, Jul 2021, St. Petersbourg, Russia. pp.1-2.
🗣️ Talks
2023 | ROADEF2023 - national conference
2022 | ROADEF2022 - national conference
2022 | JOBIM2022 - Francophone conference
2022 | DSB2022 - international workshop
2021 | BiATA2021 - international conference
2021 | SeqBIM2021 Lyon - national workshop
2020 | ROADEF2020 - national conference
🏫 Teaching
2021 | Co-supervisor of Pauline Hamon-Giraud
- First master’s degree student in bioinformatic, University of Rennes
- 3 months
2021 | Algorithmic Methods for Graph
- Third year Bachelor (INFO & MIAGE)
- Exercises lectures: 40h
2021 | Operational Research
- First year Master (MIAGE)
- Practical tutorial: 12h
2021 | Algorithmic for Bioinformatic
- Second year Master (Bioinformatic)
- Lecture: 2h
- Exercises lectures: 4h
- Practical tutorial: 6h
2020 | Algorithmic Methods for Graph
- Third year Bachelor (INFO & MIAGE)
- Exercises lectures: 40h
2020 | Operational Research
- First year Master (MIAGE)
- Practical tutorial: 12h
Statements and organisations of the practical tutorials have been rewritten to use
package. The new versions are currently being taught for M1 MIAGE/INFO and M2 Bioinformatic Operational Research classes.
🥼 Services
2023 | Data Knowledge Management IRISA/Inria Department
- Organisation of monthly department seminar
- Organisation of
departments days (1.5 days)
- Round table about how we can participate in the laboratory’s and university’s activities (teaching, council etc.)
- Round table about scientific publication system
2023 | ROADEF2023 - national conference
- Co-chairman for bioinformatic session (Recherche Opérationnelle en Bio-Informatique)
2023 | Treasurer in Nicomaque PhD association
2023 | Organisation of internship oral training for the first and second Master’s degrees students
2022 | Data Knowledge Management IRISA/Inria Department
- Organisation of monthly department seminar
- Organisation of departments days (1.5 days)
2022 | ROADEF2022 - national conference
- Co-chairman for bioinformatic session (Recherche Opérationnelle en Bio-Informatique)
2022 | JOBIM2022 Francophone conference
- Referent organiser for social activity
2022 | Organisation of internship oral training for the first and second Master’s degrees students
2021 | Supervisor of Pauline Hamon-Giraud (first Master degree student in bioinformatic)
2021 | Organisation of internship oral training for the second Master’s degrees students
💬 Science popularisation
2023 | Organisation of a conference on ethics in academia
- The recorded event (FR)
- Recognised as scientific integrity and ethics training by Bretagne’s PhD college
2022 | Organisation of PhD popularisation film festival Sciences en Cour[t]s
- The recorded event (FR)
- Collaboration with Espace des Sciences for the Fête de la Science
2021 | Team member in Sciences en Cour[t]s PhD popularisation film festival
- Making a 5min animated film: Cocktail de bio-informatique (FR)
🖥️ Skills
Programming languages and affiliated
C / C++ / Rust (in progress)
Python3 (advanced)
BASH (advanced) | AMPL (advanced) | Java
$\LaTeX$ (advanced) | Markdown | Git
- French (native speaker)
- English (good working knowledge)
- Spanish (notions)